Letters to the Editor

See what folks have to say about their support for Deborah Neary

  • Neary support

    Access to a quality education in Nebraska is a right none of us should take for granted. The State Board of Education guides state education policy, provides oversight and upholds standards that allow all Nebraskans access to a quality education. It’s critical that the officials who serve on this board are centered on student learning, supporting teachers and staff, and helping school districts to develop our young people into well-rounded, productive members of the community.

    State Board of Education candidate Deborah Neary serves District 8 from a place of respect: for students, families and teachers. Deb believes in supporting our teachers and working on long-term solutions for teacher recruitment and retention. She is focused on helping Nebraska students fulfill their potential. Deb respects the dignity of every student and stands up against discrimination.

    It’s easy to get distracted by misinformation. When electing the leaders tasked with keeping Nebraska schools strong, it’s important to cut through the noise. Re-elect Deborah Neary, the best and most-qualified candidate for State Education Board District 8.

  • District 8 Race

    I learned in 2016 that Deborah Neary was an excellent candidate who, as a foster parent to eight youth and her work with youth in other areas, was a person who cared about young people and one who valued ensuring and respecting their worth and dignity. I wholeheartedly supported her campaign for the state board.

    Since winning the election in 2016, Deborah Neary has demonstrated her support for teachers, students and parents as she has undertaken the duties of her office. Her reliance on data, research and communication are key elements utilized to ensure that policies determined by the state board are fair, equitable and provide students in Nebraska the skills and support they need to be successful as they continue their life’s and educational journeys.

    Deb understands that part of her role on the state board is to utilize educational experts at every level of education as well as parents to establish educational standards that will best prepare students for their futures. The state board utilizes the approved process by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), that ensures that all voices are heard and considered in establishing what students should know and be able to do in specific content areas (standards), publishing them and allowing local school boards to review and adopt all or part of the standards as they see fit for the local school.

    Deborah Neary understands and respects the process of establishing standards and acknowledges her responsibility as a state board member to follow that process. A lifelong public school educator (teacher, assistant principal, principal, superintendent and college professor), I recognize the quality work Deborah Neary has done on the Nebraska State Board of Education and encourage your vote to retain her in her position as District 8 representative to the state board.